Monday, February 4, 2008


So, I've already accomplished #2 on my New Year's Resolutions list! Yay!

I had 7 students, and wanted 12; I now have 13! I teach a full 8 hours now on Saturdays (10AM-6PM). I'm planning a masterclass in May with a colleague of mine on "The Economics of Time Management: How to practice smarter, not harder". I'm very excited to be working on this project.

I've also decided to make small steps with technology in my music studio as an investment. Things like recording the lessons and sending them (via email) to students. Also, I'd like to purchase CDs, books, and software to lend to my students in order to inspire them. Additionally, I'd also like to invest in some new teaching materials to help make me a better teacher.

I also learned why I am such a good teacher from an epiphany I had during some recent energy release work - I want my kids to be able to express their inner child - something I didn't have the opportunity to do when I was a child. That's why I encourage making mistakes. Because the essence of childhood is innocence, and innocence means letting yourself just "be" - you don't have to know all the answers, or be smart, strong, wise or right. That's how you learn - you have to allow yourself to make mistakes! :D

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