Tuesday, February 19, 2008


Sometimes, you feel like you're never getting anywhere and that you have to do and be more than you are, and you get so caught up in it that you start to feel this never-ending malaise of inadequacy.

"I wish I were this successful, two years ago" "In 5 more years, I'll have such and such to show for it" "By the time I'm his age, I want to be that" It's not bad to think these things. In fact, it's called having initiative and goals for your existence, but sometimes, I think people who do this can be so driven that it compromises the quality of life they are trying to assume for themselves.

Then you talk to an old friend and hear about what they've been doing with their lives, and it's then that you really see the direction in which your life has been taken. All I want to say right now is that I'm really proud of where I am today. I got through a lot to get here and went through things alot of people could not have handled, in my opinion. And through it all, I still desire growth and inspiration from my life.

I'm 24 y/o and really have my shit together these days. It wasn't always this way, but I'm glad to say my life is on its way to a better tomorrow :)

1 comment:

JK said...

I just posted a comment, and blogger bitched out. Damn.l It was a good comment too.

Great post. Something I wonder about myself.