Thursday, February 7, 2008

STDs, Tax Returns, and Spring Break! Oh my! :P

So, I'm super psyched! I went and got all my STD/HIV tests done and I came through negative on all of them! Even herpes! Yay! :D I thought for sure that I already had gotten herpes from Mitch...

Anyway, in other news, I'm planning my Spring Break :D (Sunday, March 16th through Friday, March 21st) I'm deciding between NYC and San Francisco. I think I'll try to make some online friends during the next month who I can meet while I'm there, but this time, I'll take the vacation alone (first time!)

Lastly, my tax refund is going to be $1,900.00! I'm almost to $10K now! (which is New Year's Resolution # 6) :)