Friday, February 29, 2008

Quyenchilla - Level 2!

So, with my new job, I feel as if I'm a character in a role playing game and I just went up a level :P I'm becoming a much more specialized worker now and my job is definitely not "entry level" anymore. It's a good feeling, but also brings in the reality of how stark a contrast this all is from previous jobs and projects I've worked on.

The more I get into accounting, the more I realize how truly challenging and trying it is on a day to day basis. This week, I worked 54 hours. I'll also teach about 8 hours tomorrow. I'm starting to work too much... but it's the learning curve and growing pains of a new job; that's all. I'll get faster and eventually, this will be a 40 hour job again :P

As for school, I got a 95% on my Econ test and have the 2nd highest grade in the class for accounting :) I'm kinda falling behind in my computer class though :( I can't wait to take my vacation! :)

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