Monday, January 21, 2008


"there is a gathering in the forest. the leaves have refused to change. they say that they are tired of things never remaining the same, of dying to be reborn, of winter's dry withered hand. they are praying for an eternal spring. even i expected that the beautiful autumn must have been ecstasy for the leaves. but they admit that there is nothing more painful than changing from green to yellow to red to brown. they insist that their beauty is a prolonged suffering. they say they will never change again.

i have told them that everything has its season." - Saul Williams, SHE

1 comment:

JK said...

Well, I'm kind of dumb, so maybe I totally missed the meaning of this, or maybe I'm trying to find too much in this little text.

Change is inevitable. It's too bad things change when times are good, but thank goodness for change when things aren't going well.