Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Going Back to School...

This is kind of degrading. So yeah, I fucked up and didn't finish my bachelor's in music because I was too prideful. But in the end, maybe it was a blessing in disguise. I got the needed education in order to pursue a career as a music teacher and professional gigging violist. So, in the end, I accomplished what I wanted to anyway.

But now, I have to think about what I'll be doing with my career 15 years from now. And that includes building on my skill set as an accountant. I know I don't want to be making $35K a year for the rest of my life with measly 2.5% raises each year. So, I decided I needed to go back to school and get an education. Fair Isaac, the company I work for, will fund my education as long as I get a "C" or better in each class.

So, beginning January 28th, I'll be going back to school with a 10 unit load under my belt! I'm very nervous and very excited! Excited because I'm actually taking steps toward a new and lucrative career path, but nervous because I'm trying something new that I may possibly not be very good at :(

But challenging things are no stranger to me. In fact, I think I've done quite well with the challenges I've faced thus far in my life :) It'll take me 2 more semesters of semi-full semester loads until I can transfer to SDSU and declare a major so I can take my upper division classes. But I have to treat it like I'm starting over basically from scratch. even if it takes me 10 years to finish my degree, I'm determined to do so! And who knows? Maybe I'll double major in music since I only need a handful of classes to complete the degree! :D

Wish me luck! :)

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