Thursday, January 3, 2008

New Year's Resolutions

I have 10 of them and here we go:

1) Go back to school to fulfill some undergraduate courses as a prerequisite to transferring to SDSU as an accounting major. I'll also need to get a grade of "C" or better in order to be reimbursed for my classes as well as my textbooks.

2) Increase my teaching studio from 7 students (currently) to 12 students. Doing so would increase my annual income by $6.5K!

3) Not abandon my cats if I end up having to move sometime in the year. They provide so much comfort and love for only $50/month :)

4) Finish reading "On Cooking", a 1400-page culinary school textbook. It will help increase my knowledge of food as well as hone my knife skills and food presentation aesthetic.

5) Get all caught up with back work at my day job. If I have nothing to do, my boss will let me do my homework at work :)

6) Save $10K for my jaw surgery. That will cover 40% (hopefully not less!) of the cost of surgery.

7) Start playing chamber music. I would gladly trade playing in the La Jolla Symphony if I could play in a good string quartet!

8) Make my car last just one more year until I can lease or finance a new or used car in 2009.

9) Play less video games, and think more (write poetry, read books, practice music, cook, etc)

10) Be more physically active and live a healthier life. Maybe not on a set schedule, but when I have the time and inclination, I'd like to take a hike, or exercise on the elliptical machine at the gym at work, prepare a healthy meal, or simply meditate.

1 comment:

Daniel said...

Nice to see that your Resolutions are well-rounded. You also have a nice blend of short-term and long-term goals. Wish you luck in all of them.