Monday, August 20, 2007

Where Are They Now?

This post is a tribute to all the men I've had in my life and how I've reconciled all the relationships:

Kevin (aka - "My First") - Kevin has come back into my life more times than anyone else, even Chris 2.0! I've known him since I was 17 y/o and he was the one I gave my first kiss to, lost my virginity to, etc. He broke my heart by cheating on me. Unfortunately, the relationship was mostly sexual, until the last few times when we actually tried to date, traditionally. I got my resolution with him when we were having sex and I just wasn't into it at all. I realized I just didn't like him and that I had never loved him or respected him. We ended on bad terms and don't talk anymore - thankfully.

Allen - Allen is still a good friend of mine and we talk on the phone every morning on our way to work. Allen was the boyfriend that wasn't into being a boyfriend. Everything about our relationship was subpar. The one nice thing about our relationship is that he had a daughter that I got so attached to that she started calling me "Mom". Since we broke up, he has married again, fathered a child, and is contemplating another divorce.

Jay (aka "EM-50") - I lived with him for a year, and went through one of the most trying times in my life. He cheated on me with numerous women, pit me against his ex-wife, and gave me the responsibility of looking after his 3 y/o son. I went to a year's worth of therapy to work up the strength to leave him, but I finally did. He got engaged to another woman about a month after I ended things. I don't talk to him or stay in contact with him anymore - nor would I.

Chris 1.0 (aka "Pocopo") - Chris 1.0 is the first man I ever truly loved. And I consider him my best friend. Our relationship could be described as witty and trite. Things ended because I got tired of his possessive nature as well as the way he made me feel inadequate as a girlfriend. However, those behaviors don't affect our friendship today. These days, we share a strangely healthy relationship for two people who were once involved. I talk to him almost everyday, if not multiple times.

Chris 2.0 (aka - "Mr. MIA") - Chris 2.0 was the source of a lot of joy and pain. He was THE dynamo in bed, but everything else fell short past the bedroom. Despite our mutual intelligence and common interests, Chris 2.0 and I just couldn't make a relationship work (mostly due to his choices). Strangely, I still respect him, and wish the best for him in life. He's the 2nd man I've ever truly loved, and we recently reconciled and have rediscovered a comfortable, sex-free friendship.

Steve (aka - "E. Unavailable) - Steve was my introduction to the underground drug scene. He will forever go down in history as the boyfriend who said, "You're funny now, babe, but if you do coke, you'll be even funnier!" Hilarious. Steve showed my what life without limits and boundaries does to a person. He still continues his wild life to this day. Because of that, we don't really connect on any meaningful level. Although, from time to time, he'll proposition me for sex, hoping I'll bite. Fat chance.

Richard (aka - "The Millionaire") - Richard was cultured, funny, and intelligent. A VP of a successful company, he liked to work hard and play even harder. He threw down $600 for our first date, to which I threw down a piece of ass :P We went to museums, plays, fancy restaurants, and even just nights at home cuddling and cooking together. He left to NYC for a month and never called me. I figured he was done with me. He called a month later, saying he was hurt I didn't call and that he was staying with his sister who was in the hospital. Upon seeing him again, he wanted to have sex, to which I declined, saying I didn't feel like I knew him anymore. I didn't hear from him again until earlier this year. However, I was dating someone else at the time and couldn't pursue it. I haven't heard from him since.

Inam - Inam is a successful, educated young man with a penchant for degrading sex talk and male dominance. He was fun and my friends liked him. But we were only together for a couple months before he left on full scholarship to Cambridge. I saw him on New Years 2007, but declined having sex with him since he was in a relationship. We almost saw each other recently on my trip to LA, since he was in town. However, he was only interested in making out. So, I declined. I'm sure he'll crop up again someday soon.

Bryan - I was enamoured of Bryan the moment I met him. He was attractive, classy, stylish, and smart. Our relationship was a whirlwind until things died down abnormally quickly. Upon asking him what was going on, he told me he was still in love with his ex. Months later, I emailed him asking if he had my $6K bracelet I lost. He said he did and we arranged to meet. Eventually, he fell for me again and broke up with his ex again to be with me (notice a pattern? :P) However, I was not so loving, once bitten. In fact, I went into it very vindictive. Eventually, I broke his heart and left him in a text message breakup. I didn't hear back from him and haven't ever since.

1 comment:

The Mighty Chris said...

Ahem - for the record, it's not that I was possessive, you were just hell-bent on being wild and reckless (i.e. binge-drinking, smoking, getting toasted, doing miscellaneous drugs, dancing/rubbing against/flirting with men at bars and clubs late at night, and looking for that all-important threesome). Add that to the webcam shows, nude pics, suspicious meetings, and dates with other men (like the one scheduled the day before I was to meet you for your birthday) and you'll find that no man would have put up with that.

I may have decided to get beyond those things, for the sake of the friendship, but I am not about to pretend that they didn't happen, or that I was just "overreacting" to nothing.

Chris 1.0