Monday, August 13, 2007


I finally figured out a codename for my new beau - "Six Pack" (because he has one! :D) But we'll call him SP for short :P

SP and I have been spending a lot of time together lately. We spent Friday night together under the night sky. He came over to my house, met my family, my kitties, and I played a private concert for him of Bach and Bruch. We also took before pictures for our physical fitness competition as well as body measurements (more on that later). Then, we went for Vietnamese food and headed to the park to go stargazing. Unfortunately, the sky was completely covered in clouds :( But we managed to have an amazing time. We kissed and talked about all the things I wanted to ask him about. Everything from what he was looking for in a relationship to what he was willing to do without. At the end of the night, I told him I was starting to fall for him. I'm glad I got it out of my system. Now, I can just be my affectionate self and he knows exactly how I feel.

Recently, he and I made a bet. Whoever makes the largest improvement in their body by September 30th gets to choose the location of a roadtrip together. My choice is the Grand Canyon. His is Death Valley or Hearst Castle. The competition has 3 categories: aesthetics (jusged by scantily clad before and after pictures), total body change (measured by total inches lost/gained - he wants to gain in his arms, chest, and legs, and I want to lose in my arms, waist, and increase in buttocks), and lastly, physique (judged by full body massage ;P).

SP is already in great shape (hence the six pack :P) and he says my body is incredible. However, I know that I will win considering how quickly I know that I can get in ridiculously hot shape, and how I doubt SP can have a body that's any better than his current body. Meow.

Either way, SP and I are growing closer. We saw each other again on Sunday, and we went a little further in our romantic escapades. However, I'm not sure I can turn him on. I feel a little inept, compared to him, in bed :( I mean, he was half hard when I was giving him a blowjob :( He had to get himself off the entire afternoon. I've never had that happen before. I'm used to men being putty in my hands. I wonder if practicing abstinence for 3 months affected my sex abilities? And I bet you that getting braces later today isn't going to help that :P Oh well, I suppose I'm just going to have to learn how his body works. I'm totally up for the challenge ;)

1 comment:

Daniel said...

congrats Quyen on you & Six-Pack. Everything seems to be progressing nicely.

Don't worry about your "technique". I'm sure that if y'all communicate, you'll quickly figure out what buttons to push.