Friday, August 24, 2007

What Can I Say?

Life is FABULOUS! :D

I'm thankful for all the talent and love that the God and Goddess have blessed me with.

I'm thankful to have a career and the opportunity to make money so that I can fund my many interests.

I'm thankful to have met the people in my life, for they are quality people worth knowing.

I'm thankful for the hardships I've encountered in life for I would not be the amazing woman I am today without them. I'm also thankful I have been blessed with the support and strength to get through all the rough spots in life.

I'm thankful that forgiveness is a possibility. I'm thankful that ignorant people are in the habit of judging - it's self-condemnation. I'm thankful that change is slow but evident.

I'm thankful for patrons as well as critics - the patrons show us what we've been missing out on, and the critics show us why that may have been a good idea to begin with ;)

I'm thankful for the hermit crab shells in this world - we can go out and find a niche, and when we've outgrown that place, we can cast it off and search for another one to fill.

I'm thankful for the art in this world, for without it, life would be cold and mechanical. I'm thankful for the realism in this world, for without it, life would be one disconnected moment after another.

I'm thankful that I now have the presence of mind to be thankful.

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