Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Vacation 2008 - Day 3

Okay, this trip just keeps getting crazier and crazier :P

I went to Pier 39 to meet a food writer and PA to the executive chef for Google (foodie's dream come true, right? :P) We ended up hanging out for awhile and held hands all around and ate lunch. I then went on the Bay cruise which was awesome! I stood at the very front of the boat and let the wind mess up my hair lol :P It was great just being out and alive and alone. I thought I would mind it alot, but I don't. It's comforting going wherever I please and doing whatever I want.

After I got home, I was bored and lonely, so I invited this Econ major from Berkeley over to hang out. Yes, we had sex, but it was totally weird and awkward. I'm telling you, younger men look great, but they have absolutely no idea what to do in the bedroom! lol :P Once that was over, I made plans to go to a nice lounge with a friend over at the St. Francis Drake hotel. When we got there, they closed the bar! So we ended up going to this dive bar - me in a short dress, high heels, and a trench coat. I was so out of place, but proceeded to get totally knackered - gin & tonic, buttery nipple, blowjob, Scooby snack, and another buttery nipple.

We ended up going to my friend's hotel and stayed up talking for hours! His hotel room was like my apartment! It had a living room and everything and was so nice! We ended up drinking some screwdrivers from the minibar and then proceeded to pass out. I woke up in the nicest hotel I've ever been in! And no, we didn't have sex, kiss, or even cuddle. Wait a minute, yes, I think we did cuddle actually. I was too drunk to really remember anything lol :P

This morning, I got ready and he and I are going to the best Dim Sum place in SF: Yank Sing. I'm excited and starving! He better get here soon!

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