Thursday, March 6, 2008

The Schizoid Complex

As I started healing my schizoid complex, I realized that I was afraid to face the world as who I truly was. I had this innate fear that who I was at my very core was not the person that people wanted. And so, I began to change who I was in order to become the person I thought others wanted me to be.

My realization that I didn't want to be an accountant was a loud and rude awakening for me. I came to terms with who I was at the core: a creative and artistic spirit who wanted to make a difference in the world; and I shed the shroud of materialism and greed I had begun to acquire.

I want to be happy, even if I'm poor. I want to make a life for myself that I will be proud to have lived. Even if I don't "make it", I will at least live how I want to live, not how I "ought" to live. I want to create for the rest of my life, not run processes and engage in repetitions.

I am truly the Corporate Scandal.

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