Tuesday, September 11, 2007


So, I was watching MTV's MADE, a show about people pursuing goals they've always had. The show takes ordinary people who want to accomplish something regardless of the natural talent or skill of that person. The show pairs up the person with a coach to help them achieve their goals and then the show tracks their progress over the allotted time span.

It got me thinking about 3 goals I want to accomplish while I still have the body and inclination to do it:

Singing - To be good at Karaoke
Snowboarding - To be able to go fast and do a few jumps; do the advanced hill without fear
Salsa Dancing - To be able to do all the special, sexy, and crazy moves that you always see in choreography, like sliding down a man's leg and being flipped.

I think I should start singing lessons AFTER I gte my braces off, and snowboarding is only good when it's in season. So, my current goal is to be a good Salsa dancer. I've already started looking for a dance school. Now I just need a Salsa partner that can commit to the class schedule and then go Salsa dancing with me! :)

1 comment:

Allison said...

How does Mitch feel about salsa dancing? (Maybe he could be your partner?) ;)