Thursday, September 20, 2007

The Corporate Scandal

I’m so sad right now. We just had a Corporate layoff of about 40 people from upper management, all the way from senior managers to VPs. I’m speechless. They had same day notice – They got an email on Tuesday, and were not allowed back in the building on Wednesday. Their admins had to pack their belongings in a box and mail it to them. It’s just so cruel and cut-throat. My manager didn’t change, but our Director did and everyone else above that.

Additionally, the new CEO ax’ed them because he wants to bring his old buddies from IBM into the office to work alongside him. They should arrive by the end of next quarter, just in time for the public announcements. I just think it’s so wrong. Our VP of finance handled 8 mergers in his time here. That’s by no means a small accomplishment! Why would you do away with such a valuable player like that? I just don’t get it.

I guess what this all boils down to is that I just realized my own sense of Corporate mortality. I could be laid off at any time as well. And seeing as I’m saving for jaw surgery and just got a new apartment, that could seriously throw a wrench into my plans. It could still happen. Usually, the accounting department is located where the CFO is located. For us, that’s in Minnesota. My manager says there are no plans to transfer us, but who knows? It could happen… later today… and I wouldn’t be allowed back in the building tomorrow.

1 comment:

Daniel said...

Welcome to the corporate world. In the words of Gordon Gekko, "Greed is Good".