Monday, June 18, 2007

"Turtwig, you my only friend..."

Everything has its consequences, and the consequences of having friends is drama and spending money like it's water. I'm not sure it really outweighs the benefits.

I've decided to save one day a week for myself. So, I'm going to stop teaching on Sundays.

I had my wisdom teeth out last week and they still hurt. I think some food particle got trapped in the socket and got all baterialized :P I hope it's not infected :(

I ordered a pink Nintendo DS w/ Pokemon Pearl AND a Turtwig plush from Ebay. He's actually sitting in my lap as I type to you and slack off from my job.

I'm thinking of redesigning my website It needs to be revamped.

Boys are the last thing on my mind right now. I'm just going to do that whole - "it happens when you're not looking for it" thing :P

In the meantime, Turtwig will keep me company :)

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