Monday, June 25, 2007

Religious Mafia?

I was talking to my Mormon friend this morning about religion. I told him about the Gospel Brunch on Sunday and one thing lead to another until we got to the topic of tithing (giving money to the church). As I understand it, Jehovah's Witnesses are asked to have the church be signed onto their businesses as partners. In exchange, the church will take care of you should you ever need their help.

Example: Joe is a Jehovah's Witness. Joe's window washing service is failing. Joe asks the church for help. The church forces all other Jenhovah's Witnesses to use Joe's window service. Joe offers his services at a reduced rate, but brings in more business. Joe is then asked to buy his window cleaning solution from another Jehovah's Witness. Joe wins. The other businesses get Joe's services at a reduced rate. And Joe's solvent supplier makes money too. The church gets signed on as a partner of Joe's business to boot.

This works the same way for Mormons, Scientologists, etc. I've always believed that religion was necessary for spiritual growth and guidance. That's why I've never been against organized religion, even though I'm Wiccan. However, I am against using religion as a coverup for a Mafia-esque proceedings. All that serves to do is further support Capitalism under the guise of a non-profit organization whose main goal is simply to futher stimulate wealth, not spiritual salvation.

I have no doubt that many religious institutions do worship faithfully to their texts and that people become more well rounded and human because of it. However, if that's the point, then why tithe? To support the churches and their rent? If your faith were really sincere, you would gather like pagans have done for thousands of years - in forests, glades, and woods.

My point is that God should love you no matter how much money you make, and that you should never be excluded from worship just because you are not willing to give your church money. All organized religion really teaches you is that when disaster strikes, a community is there to pick you back up, not some omniscient being. If that's true, what exactly are you worshipping at the end of the day? "God"? Or a social 'security blanket'?

1 comment:

Daniel said...

I remember Marx argued that organized religion was nothing but an institution to exploit people and therefore must be eradicated in the process of achieving equality. Funny how I can be a "Christian" and a Marxist at the same time.

Great observations. That's why I stopped attending church myself. I figured that I do a lot more good and remain truer to God's ideals by befriending people in need of empathy & compassion.