Wednesday, June 6, 2007


I have a sinus headache! It feels like my brain is loose and flopping about in my head :( Even the Tylenol Sinus and Congestion medicine isn't working that well :( I'm also tired and sick.

I came to one realization today - I can't be a lowly accountant forever. I was told today not to get in the way of company policies, even though I had found something compelling and accurate which went against it. Not to be able to have the freedom to make choices is a total turnoff for me. I need to be able to live and create while I work. So, this job is ultimately just a means to an end. Namely, braces, jaw surgery, paying off my student loans, a nose job, Lasik, and saving up 8 months worth of expenses. In the end, owning a music school is where my heart really needs to be at. It has it all - business savvy, creativity, pedagogy, passion, and legacy.

Ahhh... my head is already starting to feel better. :)


Daniel said...

Means to an "end", quite a few ends. Damn how long do you have to stay at your current job?

The Mighty Chris said...

I'm glad someone said it.

There are more "ends" in that blog than at the beach!

By the way, you're also leaving off start-up costs associated with actually having a physical space for your studio, as well as the cost of completing a degree that adds credibility to your studio. There's also the cost of replacing your car in the near future.

It looks like you wont have the freedom to make your own choices for quite some time to come. Welcome to the real world.

Buy some old-fashioned, behind the counter, check your state ID, Sudafed. It works like a charm.