Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Highlights for Children

1) I got my glasses adjusted so they sit better on my face, but now it's pinching my head and is giving me a headache, forcing me to go back tomorrow to have them readjusted. Gah!

2) I broke up with Bryan this morning at 2:32AM in a text message saying - "I'm sorry. This just isn't working. I don't think you're ready to have me in your life right now." In all fairness, he failed to call me after work, yet again.

3) I won this: YAY!

4) My favorite shirt broke while going to the bathroom (No, not what you think :P)

5) I may be able to do the jaw surgery with my original surgeon and health insurance after all! We shall see...

6) I started working out again yesterday. I regained all of the weight, except 2 lbs. I'm currently 141 lbs.

7) The sound a kitty cat makes when it wants to cuddle up, make muffins, and sleep in your lap is "wrannh" :D

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