Thursday, April 19, 2007

My Big, Fat Mouth

So, I was so proud of myself yesterday for completing all of my work that I opened my big, fat mouth and told my boss I was done with my work. For the next 10 minutes, everyone in my deparmtnet came by my desk saying, "Wow! You finished 3 months of work in 5 weeks? That's unheard of!" Within 30 minutes they gave me 3 new weekly responsibilites that total about 10 more hours a week of work :P The justification? "Oh Quyen doesn't do anything and has lots of free time. So, have her help you with YOUR job" :P Oh well. Like I said yesterday - at least I have job security.

So, I've been trying to work out and eat better. I cheated today though - both on the guy I'm seeing and my diet. And I did it all at the same time. Blah :( I went on a lunch date with a lunch date kiss at the end, complete with a fatty mocha frappaccino and a sandwich/salad combo from Pat N Oscars. At least I didn't put dressing on the salad :P But I do feel bad about kissing that other boy. But on the other hand, I don't know what's going to happen with this new guy. I'd like to say we're dating - but we're not. And I'd like to say we're monogamous - but we're not (at least he tells me he's not seeing anyone else). In any case, I can't put all my eggs in this basket. I do like him a lot. I'll admit that. But I've also liked a lot of other boys before too. And if experience has taught me anything, it's that liking someone doesn't equal "happily ever after". I have to be a little more realistic about this. But for the time being, no more cheating. On my diet AND my boytoy ;)


The Mighty Chris said...

You've bought a one-month anniversary gift, talk to this guy over an hour each night, have a dinner date each week, have decided to start working out, are making plans for the summer, engage in regular sex, and have led us to believe you would be glad if your beau formally asked you to be monogamous; in what world does that not qualify as a serious relationship?

I know you've vowed not to continue cheating on your current beau, but Quyen, do realize that making excuses for cheating, such as citing your failure in past relationships, makes it more likely that you'll cheat again.

There are two important things going on here: 1) You're in a relationship - stop pretending you're not, 2) Your cheating ways need to end. It's not enough to find a man who's worthy. You need to be worthy too.

You have to work for "happily ever after."

Daniel said...

Gotta say that Chris makes a valid point. Despite what you've discussed with Mr. Boy Toy, all of your tangible behavior suggests that you are in a "relationship" with him.

I'm sure Mr. Boy Toy recognizes all of those signs too. Now that you know...your move Quyen.

Good luck