Friday, May 4, 2007

Slurmet and Chris 2.0

This week is so disappointing... First, Slurmet and I had "the talk" and he said that he didn't trust me around my ex b/fs - which is so true. Hell, I don't even trust me around my ex b/fs :P So, that's done and kaput.

As for Chris 2.0, I was cooking up the best revenge plot. I was going to make him drive to SD for a "sexual adventure" - except I planned to give him a wrong address so he would get there and realize I was doing to him what he had done to me many times. Unfortunately, it backfired on me and he cancelled due to a "financial emergency". I totally lost it and revealed my evil intent, and we started to trade cheap shots. However, he gave me the ultimate fuck you by admitting he didn't even have herpes.

I am stunned. It seems just when I think I have the upper hand, he already has me outwitted. How can this be?! Grrrr... I'm so angry right now. Not only did he make a fool of me, but he also bested me in a contest of wits. My pride is hurt on so many levels right now. I just want to curl up into a ball and breathe quietly. I think the amount of rage I feel right now may be akin to the amount I had when I found out Jay was cheating on me.

That's it. I quit.


Daniel said...

Hate to say it, but you should have left Chris 2.0 in your rearview mirror. The failed revenge plot did reveal how much of a jerk he's always been & that he had been playing you from the outset.

It's not easy, but try to let it go. Chris 2.0 doesn't deserve another moment of your attention, EVER. Also, don't give any of your ex-b/f's a 2nd thought. Why relive a story when you know the ending is unhappy?

You have too much going for you to hang on to your past. Enjoy the present and invest in your bright future. :)

The Mighty Chris said...

While I agree with Daniel, I'm inclined to take a much harsher tone.

What Chris 2.0, Slurmet, Brian, and Kevin have done to you is reprehensible. That much is clear. However, despite the advice of friends, you continue to make poor choices that directly result in your unhappiness.

What has happened and continues to happen with Chris 2.0 and Kevin is the result of your unrestrained drive for revenge. What happened with Slurmet came about because you chose to enter a relationship, both emotionally and physically, without demanding that either of you take it seriously. And, what will inevitably occur with Brian will happen because you choose to engage in an affair with a man who not only cheats on his gf's, but also has no spine.

I'm sorry to say, but you're starting to sound like a bad stereotype - the woman who dates bad men, makes bad choices, and can't for the life of her understand why things always turn out so badly. You claim that you've given up but I haven't seen anything to confirm that you've tried in the first place. You need to stop dating losers and stop playing games.

This may seem harsh, but at this point, what you need is the truth, not sympathy.