Thursday, August 9, 2007

Open Letter to Daniel

Dearest Daniel,

I'm so disappointed in you right now. Not only because of how you acted this past weekend towards me, but also because you are voluntarily putting yourself into hurtful situations and refuse to see it. In my estimation, you are hurt because I didn't put you first on the list of people to hang out with in LA. Realize that friends who are putting me up for the night are obviously first pick, and secondly, I only saw 5 people over 4 days in LA - you were supposed to round out 6. It is your choice whether or not you want to see me, but telling me that hanging out with me feels like "going out of your way" is plain rude. If that's how you feel, just say so. Own up to your feelings for once instead of pussy-footing around the issue. If you hate me, then you hate me. It's really that simple. I'd rather you tell me, rather than give half assed excuses and exasperated responses to trying to make time to see you. Both of our time is more important than that.

As for your current endeavors, you know I do not agree with them. Volunteering your time for pornstars so you can "raise them up" is your choice, Daniel. But when you complain how it's draining and how you can't take it anymore, it's time for me to step in as your friend and tell you what you need to hear. Maybe you're angry with me because I'm telling you what you don't want to hear. Or maybe you're angry because I'm not supporting your choices in life. But how can I sit back and watch you tell me of how you've been doing chores for 10 hours at some pornstar's house when you don't even know her real first name? Do you really think she's your friend? Wake up, Daniel. They are not your real friends. I am your real friend. But maybe you've forgotten, since you seem to think hanging out with me is going out of your way, when spending 10 hours scanning photos for a website and feeding a baby isn't.

Daniel, we've had a lot of experiences together. Some good, some bad. Through it all, you can't deny that we accept each other for who we are. That's friendship. But you've seemed to throw it away. For what reason? I don't know. For now, this seems to be the end of the road for us. I refuse to support someone who treats me with contempt. I don't deserve to be treated like a liability. As for you, I'm sure you have your own reasons for ending our friendship. That's fine. Just know that if you ever decide to open your eyes and see your situation for what it is, I'll be there to support you during your rehabilitation, just like you were there for mine.

And just to put it out there, your MySpace tag of "Daniel Lee is tired of being treated like an afterthought" was the farthest thing from the truth. Do you realize how many people I could have seen during my trip? Do you realize how many people I actually know? I picked you - as one of six people - to spend my time with because I've always considered you one of my closest friends. That's hardly an afterthought. Put it into perspective. You are most certainly an afterthought in the minds of your so-called "friends", but not to me. Maybe you'll realize what's what when nobody is calling you to hang out just for the sake of hanging out. Maybe then you won't feel like you're going out of your way for anyone. Maybe that will make you happy. Isn't that right, Daniel?



1 comment:

Daniel said...
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