Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Sugar, Spice, and Everything Nice

When you think of the typical woman, what do you expect her to be? What skills and attributes would you expect her to have? I bet you a majority would expect her to be able to cook. Also, she would most likely be feminine and beautiful. She would also be social and be great with other people, able to hostess as well as attend to the needs of others effectively. She would radiate warmth and charm. She would have flair and style. She would possess grace and sophistication.

But, by necessity, would you expect her to be amazingly intelligent, able to talk about any issue or subject? Would you expect her to be athletic and physically powerful? Would you expect her to be the main breadwinner in a family? I think not. Women are held to a different set of standards than men when it comes to their worth. Women are expected to be beautiful and charming (a la Miss Universe Pageant) and not much more. Think trophy wife or porn star, here. A woman can exist by just being a hot piece of ass with feminine wiles. A man? That delusional bastard better get a job ;)

It's a shame that women are not expected to be more, and as such, are often not viewed with the same capabilities as men, who have expectations which are the inverse of women. If a man is not attractive, charming, or warm - it's entirely okay. The problem is that more and more women today need to take on the man's role because men aren't performing the way they need to. A women has to be her own breadwinner. She has to be physically powerful so she can open her own jars and doors. She even has to have a brain to compete in today's job market. In essence, she is fulfilling the man's role. What's more, she has to walk the fine line between her expectations as a woman and her forced role as a man. And meanwhile, things like trophy wives, beauty pageants, and porn stars, are not only insulting to the self-sufficient woman, but also reminds her that everything she's worked to accomplish may not truly be what she is valued for anyway.

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