Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Chris 2.0 Weekend '07

I'll start by saying that Mitch and I broke up on Saturday morning right before I dropped him off at his house to go teach. He had decided that the ultimatum I gave him - Be committed and try to be the man I want to have by my side or scrap the relationship and move on - was too much to ask of him. So we parted, him having chosen to throw away his second chance to make our relationship work (for those who don't already know, I only give two chances to be in a relationship with me)

Later that day, Chris 2.0 came over to spend the weekend with me. I was so happy to see him, especially after what had transpired that morning. We ended up eating dinner, playing some online poker, going to Lei Lounge with my coworkers, and watching Eastern Promises, a movie about the Russian mafia. Before we left to Lei Lounge, I was busy trying to find an outfit to wear out. One thing led to another and before I knew what was happening, Chris 2.0 was going down on me ;) We ended up having sex, showering and then going on our merry way.

Sunday morning came and we had sex again, and then went to breakfast together. Shortly thereafter, Chris 2.0 started his trek back to Anaheim.

The funny thing about seeing Chris 2.0 was that I thought seeing him would make everything better. I thought we'd have our usual, mindblowing sex and connect all over again - but it was pretty mild this time. In fact, the sex was sort of more trouble than it was worth :( What made it worse was that when Chris 2.0 kissed me, it was not the way I had become used to being kissed. In a way, I wish it were Mitch who had kissed me, instead. In fact, the sex I had with Mitch was even better than the Legendary 2.0's. In a way, it crushed a small reality for me, and opened my eyes to a new one - I really DO love Mitch after all...

I texted Mitch these simple words: "You've been on my mind"

Mitch called me and we talked. He told me that he had made a mistake, that he wanted to have an "A" life with me. I called him back and told him he should know I slept with Chris 2.0 before he decides to try and win me back. He said that he wasn't going to let that stop him.

We went out to Appertivo, a tapas and wine bar in North Park, and it was like our first date all over again. I was so happy :) And in a small way, I fell in love with him a little bit...

Mitch asked for one month to prove to me that he can be the man that makes me happy. I agreed, and if at the end of 30 days, I feel like breaking a rule I haven't broken since I first started dating would be the wisest thing to do, then I'll reinstate him as my b/f. Until then, I promised I wouldn't date other men to give him a fighting chance.

As for Chris 2.0, the romance surrounding our past relationship is dead. We are just two people that shared a moment several years ago and tried to keep it alive. But I actually no longer yearn to be the woman by his side. In that sense, this weekend was good for me because it freed me of those old alliances and obligations. Maybe when I say I'm free to move on, I really do mean it this time...

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