Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Trevor's Lecture

[12:45] tessenjutsu: I have worked very hard in life and have been dealt unfair hands all my life... but I've survived and excelled at whatever I put my mind to.... I'm sure some people (don't think I'm a good person)
[12:45] tessenjutsu: but at the end of the day
[12:46] tessenjutsu: people's actions speak louder than any biases we can hold
[12:46] tessenjutsu: I am a good teacher, and whether I'm a (bad woman) or not does not affect the quality of students I produce
[12:46] tessenjutsu: Trevor,
[12:46] tessenjutsu: (everything) aside....
[12:47] tessenjutsu: be concerned with how people view your actions rather than what prejudices they hold for or against you
[12:47] tessenjutsu: at the end of the day, you'll be able to defend your decisions, but you may not be able to quantify your life by what people think of you
[12:51] tessenjutsu: people who are your friends one day can be your enemy the next, but the one thing people can't deny are the cold hard facts. If you're good in business, people will see you for that and respect you, regardless of anything else
[12:53] tessenjutsu: if you live like this, nobody can take anything away from you
[12:53] tessenjutsu: you will know who you are and what you offer the world
[12:53] tessenjutsu: and it won't be dependent on illusions or hearsay

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