Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Quyenchilla's Night Out :P

Last night, I was supposed to be Miss Responsible and go to my orchestra rehearsal after teaching lessons, but then my friends called me and wanted me to come out. I said no, that I had to teach and then go to rehearsal, to which they replied "Come on Grandma! Take your Centrum Silver, put your dentures in, and come on out!" LOL I'm glad I have friends to remind me that I'm still young :P

Thinking it would be another warm night in SD, I threw on a miniskirt, a tank, and some heels and met them downtown.


I was so cold. LOL

First, we went to a salon exhibition where one of my friends was modeling an edgey new cut. It was really interesting to see the hairstylists talking about hair the way painters talk about art or musicians talk about chord progressions. I mean, these people were talking about where the eye is drawn to, texture, gradations of color, and using phrases like "laser cut", and "clean lines". It just goes to show that there's art everywhere you look :)

After the exhibition was over, we hit a dive bar for our first 2 rounds, then Lei Lounge in Northpark for appetizers and a pitcher of sangria. The night was just about over when someone pulled a coupon out for a free hour at their friend's Karaoke bar! All the people too shy to sing, left, and we were left with 4 in this very plush room - 4 mics, seating for 12, a personal service button we could push to summon our waitress, and even, get this, tambourines! Yay! (FYI, I worked those tambourines! LOL) We ordered a pitcher of this amazing yogurt-flavored Soju (Korean alcohol) and sang until our throats were sore! haha :P

I ended up getting home at 1:30AM on a "school night" :P and I'm so tired this morning, but it was totally worth it :) I did learn a couple things though - never let your gay guy friend do your makeup when you're both drunk, and don't wear a miniskirt when you're past the age of 21 :P

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