Monday, January 7, 2008


So, I've been thinking that with everything I'm going to be going through (work, school, teaching, symphony, etc) that I really don't have time for a boyfriend. Mitch has already made it very clear that he has no interest in being in a committed relationship. I'm still having sex with him and hanging out with him. So, in the end, I suppose he got exactly what he wanted :P Nice going, Quyen hahaha

On the other hand, I do have more free time and I've gotten to explore my own sexual freedom as a single woman ;) It takes a little getting used to because I tried to get away from that lifestyle awhile ago, and I'm not sure my roomie really enjoys meeting the various guys I bring home. I think, eventually, I'll meet someone I want to date, but until then, it's all just fun, right? ;)

There is a guy I have in mind to fill the vacant position, but time will tell if we'll work well together or not... Either way, I figure that just looking out for #1 is the way to go for now. I'm tired of being the model relationship citizen. Putting others above yourself is for chumps. It doesn't seem like any good really ever comes out of it when all is said and done.


JK said...

If you're not looking out for you, then who is? Most of the time you should be looking out for yourself, in my opinion. There are always exceptions. It sounds like Mitch is probably not one of teh exceptions though.

Chris said...

1) Are you serious - you don't have "time" for a boyfriend? I work, go to teacher training sessions, am taking two masters courses, and am studying for two masters exams. How is it "I" have the time?

2) Do you really need more time to explore your "sexual freedom"? In all honesty, haven't you done more than enough exploring?

3) Of course your roommate doesn't enjoy meeting the various guys when you bring them home. It's like living at a bordello.

4) Taking Mitch out of the equation, both you and I know you were not the model relationship citizen while you officially dated him.

5) Good relationships are not about being entirely selfless, just as being a good person is not about being entirely free of poor judgment. Stop seeing relationships as a choice between selflessness and selfishness; there "is" a healthy middle ground.

6) Whether you choose to be selfless or selfish, you will continue to be unlucky in love because you're not choosing men who make good partners. It's like trying to build a house out of straw.