Wednesday, January 30, 2008


I hate my new job! I wish I had never been promoted :(

Training for this position has been frustrating and exhausting. I didn't realize it when I took up the offer, but it's at least twice as hard as my current job. There are several more processes to run and things I'll be doing in the future are like the things I do now, only more complex and involved.

I'll be in charge of:
Invoices (A - G)
Booking domestic wires
Canadian wires (payment & booking)
Weekly check run (between 150 - 300 checks each week)

I'll be a very integral part of the Accounts Payable team
The tasks I have are varied
The tasks I have require decision making
The job is not an entry-level position, and is somewhat specialized (I'm replacing the most senior member of our team)

The deadlines I have range from daily to monthly (it was weekly)
High volume position (more companies' names fall between A - G than all the other letters)
Barely any "idle time" (no time to work on homework at work!)
More vendors, people, and approvals to deal with (lots more politics)

I must say that I wouldn't be able to handle this position without having had my previous experience before. Having my previous position allowed me to understand my new position much more because they were either related or they allowed me insight into my new tasks.

I'm having a hell of a time working both of my jobs while they find a replacement. But I have to just let myself deal with it. They can't expect one person to do 16 hours of work in 8 hours. I'm doing the best I can, but it still stresses me out. *sigh*

Wednesday, January 23, 2008


I got promoted at work! :D YAY!

The details are kind of hush-hush right now. Basically, one of the invoicing people is leaving to another department, and the position needs to be filled. The plan is to hire a temp to replace my position as the interdepartmental change happens. Then, I will step in as the new invoice processing person.

I have no idea who is going to leave. If I had to decide between Jack, Althera, Kathy, and Lan, then I'd probably say either Lan or Jack. I'm excited to be promoted! And honored that I was chosen to be promoted before Beth, my co-worker, seeing as she's been her 3 years, and I've only been here for one!

Oh Happy Day! :D

Monday, January 21, 2008


"there is a gathering in the forest. the leaves have refused to change. they say that they are tired of things never remaining the same, of dying to be reborn, of winter's dry withered hand. they are praying for an eternal spring. even i expected that the beautiful autumn must have been ecstasy for the leaves. but they admit that there is nothing more painful than changing from green to yellow to red to brown. they insist that their beauty is a prolonged suffering. they say they will never change again.

i have told them that everything has its season." - Saul Williams, SHE

Thursday, January 17, 2008


We've all heard the old philosophical question that if a tree falls in the woods and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound? I now pose this question, if you're too concerned with others opinions of you that you are afraid to be the true you, then does the true you even really exist?

I'd say no. I believe there is no way for the true you to have taken part in any discussion or event. Therefore, the true you had absolutely no impact on whatever you perceivably took part in.

When you disguise yourself from being seen, then you won't be seen. It's that simple. For people who hide from others around them everyday, whether it be behind masks or lies or even designer clothes and expensive cars, they build a barrier between the world and themselves. Once the barrier is set in place, it is very difficult to tear down the walls and present one's true self. Because of this, it is easier to keep lying, keep wearing the mask, and to keep spending money for clothes and cars to impress people.

The thing about people is that they do not like to degrade. And more than that, they do not like to disappoint. These two factors together are a lethal combination and completely applicable to those who put up barriers:

Let's say Mr. X is dating a new girl. He shows off his money and acts extra attentive to gain her interest. Let's assume that the way he is presenting himself is not the true Mr. X at work. In this scenario, he is wearing a mask with the goal of impressing this girl.

Now, once he's won her affection, how easy do you think it is for him to stop this forced behavior and revert to his true self? Mr. X might think inside of his head that if he does show the true him that the image he has created for himself will DEGRADE (Strike 1) because he will no longer be upholding the status quo that he created for himself in the beginning of the relationship.

The other thought crossing Mr. X's mind will be that if the girl sees that he is not the rich, well-mannered man she thought he was, then she will be DISAPPOINTED (Strike 2) and leave him. So you see, the one-two punch of degradation and disappointment is a serious threat. It's so scary to face, in fact, that many will keep the ruse going just to avoid having to deal with it.

However, we all know that lies beget lies, and those lies beget even more lies. At what point are you ever your true self anymore? At what point does juggling all the masks and images you present to the world become so unwieldy that you feel that degradation and disappointment for all is the better option? Will one ever feel that way?

It's very cyclical, and it's incredibly hard to stop without intervention or simply a dead stop at rock bottom. Why be your true self when it would degrade your image and disappoint your audience? It's so much easier to keep up the ruse, even at the cost of your true identity.

This all makes so much sense - except for one small detail... How do you know you would disappoint your audience by being the true you? You have no way of knowing whether they would be happy or unhappy with the true you. By believing that you would disappoint them, you are unfairly taking away their ability to decide for themselves. You do not have the right to do so.

So, look at this again: Mr. X can revert to his true self and DEGRADE his image. However, keep in mind that degradation is a natural aspect of life that we all must deal with, whether it's aging or otherwise. However, Mr. X should not feel that he will DISAPPOINT, as he has no way of making that decision for others. This makes it a bit easier to avoid our "lethal duo".

Or better yet, Mr. X can go ahead and be his true self from the beginning, knowing that he is being the best version of himself that he knows how to be. And if that's not good enough, other people can just go fuck themselves ;)

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Burning Out

My job makes me and my body very sad :( I sit in a chair all day and do two things: audit and match checks. In fact, those are the only two skills I use each week.

A moron can match checks - All you have to do is check to see if the amount, invoice # and date, and the remit address matches and then paperclip them together.

Auditing, on the other hand, takes a trifle more brain power, albeit not much. You have to make sure the receipt amount match the amount expensed on the expense report. You also have to make sure that there is a payment method (like cash or credit card) listed somewhere on the receipt, showing that they, in fact, paid for this expense.

Sounds easy, right? Except for the fact that employees are constantly trying to cheat the company by trying to get reimbursed for items they never paid for and dues for professional groups they are not a part of. It is here where my miserly side can shine :P

All in all, the tasks I must do for my day job are worthy of the "short bus" at best, except that the sheer volume of work is stifling! I audit around 400-700 expense reports a week and match anywhere from 175 to 300 checks every week. I'm also solely responsible for releasing payments for a whole country: Canada.

This job hurts my soul. It would be easy except for the fact that I'm always fucking busy. Plus, my back is killing me. Please save me from this corporate hell.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

If something has to go first...'s going to be the La Jolla Symphony. I got ANOTHER parking ticket last night!

I think since I've started, I've racked up $270 in parking expenses. That is total bullshit. I'm tired of it, and I shouldn't have to "pay to play" so to speak :P I'm going to seriously consider dropping the LJS after February's concert.

In other news, the work week has been slow. So, I've had a chance to do some catching up :)

Monday, January 14, 2008


My weekly schedule starting the 28th of this month will be the following:

8:00 - 9:25 - Economics
10:00 - 6:30 - Work
7:00 - 10:00 - La Jolla Symphony

7:20 - 9:25 - Accounting
10:00 - 6:30 - Work

8:00 - 9:25 - Economics
10:00 - 6:30 - Work
7:00 - 10:00 - La Jolla Symphony (possible)

7:20 - 9:25 - Accounting
10:00 - 6:30 - Work

7:30 - 4:00 - Work

10:30 - 5:30 - Teaching

String Quartet (possible)

On top of all of that, I need to find time to add another online course in Computer Information Systems, do homework, work overtime when needed (about 4 hours a week), recruit more students, date, cook for myself, do things like go grocery shopping, laundry, and spend time with my kitties and read. Not to mention relax once in awhile with friends and play video games, and also sleep!

I wonder if something will have to give, eventually. Hopefully my sanity isn't the first to go! :(

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Happier Days Ahead

New Year's Resolutions revisited:

1) I paid for all my course tuition.
2) I am going to start two new students by the end of the month.
3) They are still alive
4) I read another chapter in the book and listened to a podcast on "Transfats"
5) I'm making small dents in my backwork
6) I now have $5K saved up :)
7) I gave the music to my cellist (hey, it's a start)
8) Mitch checked my oil for me. Yay! :)
9) Um... yeah... about that... :P
10) ...and that too... :P

Monday, January 7, 2008


So, I've been thinking that with everything I'm going to be going through (work, school, teaching, symphony, etc) that I really don't have time for a boyfriend. Mitch has already made it very clear that he has no interest in being in a committed relationship. I'm still having sex with him and hanging out with him. So, in the end, I suppose he got exactly what he wanted :P Nice going, Quyen hahaha

On the other hand, I do have more free time and I've gotten to explore my own sexual freedom as a single woman ;) It takes a little getting used to because I tried to get away from that lifestyle awhile ago, and I'm not sure my roomie really enjoys meeting the various guys I bring home. I think, eventually, I'll meet someone I want to date, but until then, it's all just fun, right? ;)

There is a guy I have in mind to fill the vacant position, but time will tell if we'll work well together or not... Either way, I figure that just looking out for #1 is the way to go for now. I'm tired of being the model relationship citizen. Putting others above yourself is for chumps. It doesn't seem like any good really ever comes out of it when all is said and done.

Thursday, January 3, 2008

New Year's Resolutions

I have 10 of them and here we go:

1) Go back to school to fulfill some undergraduate courses as a prerequisite to transferring to SDSU as an accounting major. I'll also need to get a grade of "C" or better in order to be reimbursed for my classes as well as my textbooks.

2) Increase my teaching studio from 7 students (currently) to 12 students. Doing so would increase my annual income by $6.5K!

3) Not abandon my cats if I end up having to move sometime in the year. They provide so much comfort and love for only $50/month :)

4) Finish reading "On Cooking", a 1400-page culinary school textbook. It will help increase my knowledge of food as well as hone my knife skills and food presentation aesthetic.

5) Get all caught up with back work at my day job. If I have nothing to do, my boss will let me do my homework at work :)

6) Save $10K for my jaw surgery. That will cover 40% (hopefully not less!) of the cost of surgery.

7) Start playing chamber music. I would gladly trade playing in the La Jolla Symphony if I could play in a good string quartet!

8) Make my car last just one more year until I can lease or finance a new or used car in 2009.

9) Play less video games, and think more (write poetry, read books, practice music, cook, etc)

10) Be more physically active and live a healthier life. Maybe not on a set schedule, but when I have the time and inclination, I'd like to take a hike, or exercise on the elliptical machine at the gym at work, prepare a healthy meal, or simply meditate.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Going Back to School...

This is kind of degrading. So yeah, I fucked up and didn't finish my bachelor's in music because I was too prideful. But in the end, maybe it was a blessing in disguise. I got the needed education in order to pursue a career as a music teacher and professional gigging violist. So, in the end, I accomplished what I wanted to anyway.

But now, I have to think about what I'll be doing with my career 15 years from now. And that includes building on my skill set as an accountant. I know I don't want to be making $35K a year for the rest of my life with measly 2.5% raises each year. So, I decided I needed to go back to school and get an education. Fair Isaac, the company I work for, will fund my education as long as I get a "C" or better in each class.

So, beginning January 28th, I'll be going back to school with a 10 unit load under my belt! I'm very nervous and very excited! Excited because I'm actually taking steps toward a new and lucrative career path, but nervous because I'm trying something new that I may possibly not be very good at :(

But challenging things are no stranger to me. In fact, I think I've done quite well with the challenges I've faced thus far in my life :) It'll take me 2 more semesters of semi-full semester loads until I can transfer to SDSU and declare a major so I can take my upper division classes. But I have to treat it like I'm starting over basically from scratch. even if it takes me 10 years to finish my degree, I'm determined to do so! And who knows? Maybe I'll double major in music since I only need a handful of classes to complete the degree! :D

Wish me luck! :)