Monday, September 24, 2007


So, I've been dealing with so much lately. Too much for my little 24 y/o brain to take. In the past 2 weeks (and in the upcoming 3 weeks) I have had to worry about:

- finding an apartment that's cheap, close to work, safe, and allows cats
- realizing I don't have the finances to get my own place and finding a roommate
- fighting with all the members of my family
- contemplating losing my teaching studio, then figuring out how to get it back, only to lose it again
- auditioning for the La Jolla Symphony
- dealing with the sheer workload of fiscal year-end at work
- packing all of my belongings and moving into the apartment
- going through my quarter-life crisis and doubting the validity of my life as well as being depressed
- dealing with the layoff at work
- trying to make my relationship as well as sex life stronger with Mitch
- dealing with the body competition with Mitch and trying not to feel like a fat slob even though I've been eating like crap and haven't been exercising due to time constraints and stess
- being charged with holding a family meeting to discuss my ownership of the house as well as my ability to teach at the home studio
- finding a tenant to replace me for the mortgage

So, you see... I've been under a lot of stress. I'm definitely not myself these days. But I know that it will calm down in a month or so. I'm looking forward to the light at the end of the tunnel. I'm almost there...

P.S. I won the audition for the La Jolla Symphony! I'm assistant principal viola! Yay! :D

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