Monday, June 11, 2007

Cosmetic Surgery for the Soul

It seems so easy. Want bigger boobs? Get a boob job! Want straighter teeth? Get braces! Want to become a better person? Go on a spiritual retreat?


I guess superficiality is the easy way out. The terms are easy: you pay X amount of money, you set your appointment, we layer on the fakeness, voila, you are a different you! Even more superficial, even less yourself. It seems that our society is obsessed with the quick fix (myself included) - after all, short term investements are the "in" thing, right? Right?

With divorce rates and fluctuations in the stock market being any indicator as to how our society conceptualizes worth and investment, it's safe to say that blue chips are down and so are bicentennial anniversaries. It's all about insider trading and the flavor of the month. People want what they want when they want it, and who's to argue?

But what the opposition doesn't know is that this lifestyle (and it is a style of life) is frighteningly addictive. It becomes a game that pits fads against fads and fuels people to always be on the search for something newer, prettier, shinier, and with more features. Where does the proverbial 1989 Volvo 740GL fit into all of this? :P

With seemingly better options appearing constantly, it's hard to see what is worth investing in and what is not. And with people so fickle about what they are looking for in others, it almost becomes a game as to what aspects of yourself that you see as most important to invest in. Bigger boobs? Or a bigger heart?

It's just hard to really tell these days...

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