Friday, March 30, 2007

Quarter End

The best part about the dreaded Quarter End is the week of free food - talk about stress binging! My boss, Ms. Giggles, is the best boss ever! I call her Ms. Giggles because she has this great giggle, like a little girl's - coming out of a middle-aged woman's body. Kinda creepy, I know, but you'd love her too! Anyway, she is so awesome that she bought us breakfast, lunch, and dinner for the past week!

The bad side about that was that this morning she bought me a Venti mocha frapp from Starbuck's (and I don't drink coffee anymore) so I was WIRED. I was so WIRED, in fact, that I e-mailed Mr. MIA, my self-proclaimed love of all loves, and told him that I missed him and gave him an update of what was going on in my life. At the end, I wrote "I guess this e-mail is the last step in the grieving process. I just wonder, what was so important that you had to flake on me again? Will you ever tell me? Or even feel remorse for how you make me feel sometimes? I wish I just knew the whole truth."

I am SOOOOO into my own pain. In fact, I'm wallowing in it like a sexy pig. Bacon never tasted so good ;)